Englische Fragen und Antworten

The most important questions 

  • How do I apply for the individual therapeutic-pedagogic treatment program (Heilpädagogische Einzelmaßnahme, HPE)?
    1. Call the Amt für soziale Dienste (Department of Social Services): +49 (0)421/361-0, find out who is the responsible case manager and apply for a heilpädagogische Einzelmaßnahme (HPE, individual therapeutic-pedagogic treatment program) 
    2. Consent/permission to present the child at the EBI
    3. Initial contact at the EBI: Appointments for initial contact with the child +49 (0)421/2761909
    4. Initial interview with child and parent/significant adult
    5. EBI sends the interview report to the Amt für soziale Dienste (Department of Social Services)
    6.  Amt für soziale Dienste (Department of Social Services) decides on approval and informs everyone involved
    7. Weekly appointments between EBI and parent/significant adult
  • What is the course of the HPE?
    1. Start of the HPE at the association „Entwicklungsbegleitung und Integration“ (EBI, development support and integration): If the competent authority issues a cost agreement, we can start the joint work. We contact the parents or significant adults and make the first appointments.
    2. Diagnostic phase: The program begins with an observational diagnostic phase over the first  six appointments. In a conference we will talk with the parents about the findings and the next steps.
    3. Support of parents and social networks: Besides the therapeutic sessions with the child we will have regular meetings with the parents. In addition there will be visits to institutions, at kindergarten or school, including supportive consultations.
    4. Duration and end of the HPE: The average duration is two years, in regular Hilfeplangesprächen (care planning meetings) the child's level of development and the future course will be discussed.


  • Where does the program take place?

    Depending on the place of residence: 

    Bremen Horn-Lehe, Leher Heerstr. 194 or 

    Bremen Walle, Cuxhavener Str. 7. 

  • Who is eligible for the treatment?

    We usually support children and adolescents of school age:

    • with developmental disorders
    • with perceptional difficulties
    • with anxiety
    • with emotionally demanding (traumatic) experiences
    • with separating or divorcing parents
    • who have lost close relatives
    • who live with adoptive or foster parents
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